I attended the Dale Carnegie Leadership class back in 2004 and was a GA for the class twice afterwards. What a difference between attending my engineering classes compared to the Dale Carnegie class! In the engineering classes, our lecturers would give the lectures and we folks in the second seat to the last seat were either looking out of the window or passing notes in class (yes, we did not have cell phones to text each other at that time). The DC class was from 4-7.30 PM on Tuesday’s and many of us used to hang out till 8 PM because we loved it (and had no kids at that time). Each class started with a warm-up where we left our office, work, boss, co-workers in the past and got into the mood for the class. This was followed by a very engaged involvement between students in the class where we presented what we truly felt about a topic, mixed with learning’s from Dale Carnegie’s principles by the teacher with a good story examples.
What a positive impact the class had on me – it changed the way I thought and I totally believed and still follow it till date (not to forget being good friends with all the students and teachers from the class). What was the most important thing about the class – they had mastered the art of engagement.

How can you engage your customers on Social Media, what are the right questions to ask, how do you actively listen to them, respond, be genuinely enthusiastic and to gain credibility with your customers?

What are some of the reasons customers like fan pages on Facebook?
To receive discounts, promotions, samples, coupons, updates on upcoming sales. To support brands/companies, to get exclusive content or just because they want to have fun. So what is the reason that you want people to become a fan of your Facebook page? Have a clear plan and include a call to action in it.
Be authentic, honest and transparent – Be a person, be sincere and be human. Customers and prospects will trust you, buy from you and more important share with your friends.

The next steps would be to engage your customers on Facebook. For that, you need to have the right questions, be an active listener, immediately respond and respect your customers. Don’t forget an important tip – share content only if it is important and meaningful to the end user. This builds up credibility.
Responding to comments
Comments can be positive, negative or neutral. Do not delete a comment unless it is obscene, profane or contains personal information. Always acknowledge positive or neutral comments. For negative comments, a quick public response and respond to the issue privately. Accepting the complaint, reacting quickly, your customers will accept you.

Determine formal and informal ways you can reward your most loyal and influential customers in order to accelerate positive word of mouth recommendations.
Ask a lot of questions
Always have questions that you can ask your customers and community. Simple questions can include

  • What can we do better?
  • What is your best/worst experience with us?
  • When did you first learn about us?
  • Why do you like this page?

Ask questions that will give you insights into what your customers want from you.

Share good stories with your customer
Don’t we all love a good story? Remember any great party you go to – one who possesses the art of good story telling is always the person everybody wants to be around. Stories bring your company to life. People can relate better with your company.

  • How was your company formed?
  • How did your company grow?
  • What were some major milestones in it?
  • Stories around some of your unique customers, their experiences
  • What charitable initiatives can you create?

Selling on Facebook
Firstly, don’t just sell physical goods or services. Make it easy and compelling for customers to buy goods/services and selling will happen automatically.
There are many different apps available to sell your stuff on FB.

  • 8thbridge.com – Creates an e-commerce platform
  • Payvment.com/facebook – Enterprise grade storefront on your FB page
  • ShopTab.net – Setup shop on FB easily, quickly and inexpensively
  • Shoutlet.com – Build, engage and measure your social media marketing communication in one platform
  • NorthSocial.com/store/show-sell – Turn your FB page into a store

Read more at http://www.practicalecommerce.com/articles/2095-Six-Facebook-Applications-to-Sell-Your-Products

Connect with your customers at a deeper, emotional level. Inspire them and give them the tools to help create a win-win situation. Make your customers part of your story and be part of their story.

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